We guarantee the safety and optimal preservation of the product throughout the cold chain process. We work with hight requirement to ensure high quality standards in the service provided. We are certified by IFS Logistics and BRC Storage and Distribution. In other areas, we are certified by MSC (Marine Stewardship Council), ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council) and Organic Production Mode Operator.
ES_Barcelona; ES_CTM; ES_Granada; ES_Leganes; ES_Mercamadrid; ES_Mercasantander; ES_Valencia; ES_Vitoria; PT_Modivas; PT_Riachos
PT_Modivas; PT_Riachos
PT_Modivas; PT_Riachos
ES_Barcelona; ES_Granada; PT_Modivas; PT_Riachos
PT_Modivas; PT_Riachos